How has Shopify evolved over the years as an eCommerce platform?

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When you think of launching an e-commerce store, Shopify e-commerce platform might be the first name that may flash across your mind. 

With over 2 million merchants using its platform, Shopify has become one of the most successful e-commerce companies in the world.

But do you know how Shopify became a dominant player in such a competitive market? Well, let’s check it out.

History of Shopify

You know the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? Well, neither was Shopify. It was a long and adventurous journey from a humble snowboarding shop to a world-class e-commerce platform. Have a look at how Shopify made it happen.

1. Where the Journey Begins

The story of Shopify started with three young enthusiasts- Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake- who were frustrated about the e-commerce options available at that time. 

They built a set of easy-to-use tools to simplify the process of creating an online store. That’s Shopify!

The platform created a wave among retailers who did not have enough coding or technical knowledge to start an e-commerce store. 

The open source language called Liquid which was created then still remains as the base of Shopify store development. 

2. Stage of Growth

As the start-up began to grow gradually, the Shopify e-commerce platform’s focus was to help retailers boost sales. 

The platform made its interface more simple and user-friendly. Shopify introduced many features such as analytics, inventory management, etc. 

They even took a step further by replacing the commision-based model with a subscription-based model.

In 2009, Shopify did something that no other e-commerce platform had done before. 

They launched Shopify Store, a marketplace where retailers could find and install third-party apps to customize their online stores. Shopify Store development gave retailers full control and flexibility over their store design, functionality, performance, etc. 

This game-changer move placed Shopify much ahead of other competitors.

3. Introduction of Shopify Mobile

That’s when mobile commerce rose in popularity with over 74% growth in just one year. 

By then, the Shopify e-commerce platform had grabbed a hold among young retailers. The company pushed it further by introducing a mobile version. 

The platform tried to improve the professional support for retailers to encourage Shopify store development. 

They released ‘Shopify experts’ with a directory of experienced online sellers to help beginners.

4. Global Expansion

As the next step, the Shopify e-commerce platform tried a hand at online sales by connecting the Shopify app with POS. 

It allowed retailers to accept payment, manage the inventory, etc., from mobile. That year itself the platform made yet another drastic move by announcing Shopify Plus. 

This attracted more large enterprises for Shopify store development.

In 2015, a major Shopify announcement grabbed the eyes of Wall Street- to make the company public. 

Within 2 months, the share prices jumped up by 60%. On top of that, the company acquired Oberlo to boost the dropshipping process. 

It’s during these years that Shopify Stores introduced integrations with many reputed platforms including Amazon and Facebook Messenger.

5. Present Stage

In the post-pandemic era, the demand for e-commerce reached new heights. Even after initial struggles with the consequences left by COVID-19, Shopify strengthened its position with several acquisitions. 

Shopify e-commerce platform purchased a B2B platform named Handshake to try out the wholesale market. On top of that, the platform acquired 6 River Systems, a robotic company, to improve logistic capabilities.

Final Words

As the e-commerce platform continues to push forward the possibilities of online selling, the future of Shopify stores looks bright.

Many cutting-edge features are reported to be announced in the coming months. Start your e-commerce store today with Shopify agency owners.